Post 3: My favourite piece of technology

In this moment I think the most important piece of tecnology is my cellphone.
For my, the cellphone is one of the greatest invention in the life, The cellphone it´s a device who had everything what I need, he had a music reproducer ( a very important thing for me), a great camera and I can response any question with the internet, the cellphone is so complete.

Resultado de imagen para celular conexiónResultado de imagen para internet

I got my first cellphone when I was 10 years old aprox, in those times the cellphones are more rudimentary, only serve to receive calls (from my mom in specific). With the past of the years the cellphone are making more important in my life, because in it I charge my life, my contacts, my social networks, my comics, my pictures,etc. Everything I had is in my cellphone, I use everyday for a diferent reasons, when I go in the subway I used it to listening my favorite music, when i need search any question fron the class I use it, I used to comunicate with my mother during the day and when I have free time I look videos from youtube and play games.
I don´t know how would be my life without my cellphone. I think it would be more simple, more relax; stay conect in any moment is so stressed but we can´t live without him, is like the drugs.
In conclusion the cellphone is a great device who organize my life but make me so dependent of it.


  1. the cellphone is more important in this century! I needed this devices too

  2. when you have cellphone, you put your life on them, practically

  3. the past cellphones can be usefull too, the batery for example haha

  4. I feel that i don´t use my cell phone all the time, but it´s completely necesary to be conect!


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