my favorite subject

Hi, today I am going to talking about one of my favoritres subjects,well, in general I liked more than only one class, but this class for my are very special , the class was language.

My teacher for this class was Paulina, that teacher are very good because we don't only learn about gramatics things and another stuffs relationated with language, we learned about the life with shes histories and lessons.

She was very young but she knew about so much things I tought it was because she is always learning different things  she always been reading books or articles and I thing that is one of the causes of her knowledge, for her I think I like to read differents stuffs. In the class the half hour was for thlanguage class and the other half was for talking about different themes I think this is for what I liked because was more dinamic than the others class and I think I learned more for that type of class.

In one time she tell me his dream and this dream is be a writer she says she had one book writed but that us not published yet. She always encourage us to be a better than we are and to follow ours dreams for be great persons who doing what they want.


  1. Language always was hard for me, I don't know why, but my teacher had many patience.


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