Ezra Pound

Hi today I am going to talking about one character that I am working in workshop, the character is Ezra Pound. He was born in 1885 in United States and die in 1973 in Italy.
Ezra Pound.jpg
Ezra was a revolutionary poet for his time, because he always want to know about the different areas of the poetry arriving to investigate various cultures to learn from them and  find the way to use to your favor, for example: from the Japanese culture he rescued the haikus which are shorts and directs, from England he rescued the rhythm and from the Greek the way of writing and some characters like odiseo.
His life are very chaotic, because he his always doing so much things and going to differents places,when he was young start to study in the university in United States but he left this soon, and then he went to England where he met other poets with whom he shared the same ideas, after the first war he left England to go to Italy where he established, in that place he felt identificated with the fascist ideologies, during the second war he maintained a radio program in which he expressed his ideas, but this eventually ended up costing him dearly, because when finished the second war he was arrested for United States, and judged as crazy, being twelve years in a mental hospital.

All this different parts of his life with ups and downs, and differents forms to see the world and the poetry was reflected in his greatest work, ´´The cantos´´,in that work he put all he know and his experiences to make one of the greatest work in the XX century, in it he expresses his feelings and developments of a person who has gone through many things.


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